Taming your Weed Problem

Taming your Weed Problem

The greatest battle that any home Gardner can face is against weeds, for they are the bane of any and every garden and it’s Keeper. If your ultimate goal is to create a garden bed, a backyard forest or even just keeping your lawn clean, tidy and complete free of weeks, then just keep reading as we’ve put together a little guide to help you get started.

Popular Weed Removal Methods

It’s not uncommon to find weeds spreading throughout your garden, and it’s no fault of your own, weeds are pesky, clever and resilient and can be a real pain the deal with, especially for someone who’s just start their garden or just simply wants to keep their lawn neat and tidy.

Here are a few ways you can take care of them:

Manual Removal - This is both the toughest and most time consuming method in dealing with weeds, yet it is also one of the most effective. The execution is simple, you simply need to pull each weed out, one at a time, by the roots. You can do this either by hand or by using a special removal tool you can find in most hardware and gardening stores.

Other than being a great way to ensure the weeds don’t survive and spread, it’s also a great way to protect your own plants from harm instead of using pesticides or herbicides.

Using Mulch - This is a great method to kill weeds, not just because it stomps the pests out, but also because it can help encourage the growth of other pants in its place. Mulching doesn’t remove the weeds so much as it stomps it out, by covering the pest in the soil, and blocking out the light that weeds need to survive. This helps stop the existing weed from growing and prevents any new ones from sprouting.

Spreading Herbicides – Be warned, for those who are wary of using chemicals, this method might not be for you. Nonetheless, Herbicides are still a very effective tool for kill weeds, especially in greater numbers. Selective herbicides are not as effective as the Non-selective variety, simply because of their strength and the chemicals they use, but they are still quite strong, and for those who want to preserve their garden and their plants from any harm, this is the best option.

The Non-selective herbicides are very strong and kill weeds fast, but can also be quite dangerous to other plants if you’re not careful. The best way to use it is to only spot treat the weeds and try your best not to spray it on any neighbouring plants.

Preventing Weeds from Returning

Now that your weeds are out of the way, you only have one task to check off your list: Preventing them from making a comeback. One of the best ways to deal with them is to fertilise your garden. Simply put the lusher and thicker your garden is with your own plants, the less likely weeds will start to sprout; instead they will simply be crowded out by the stronger and bigger plants.

One other way to help prevent weeds from returning is to change your watering pattern. Instead of watering your garden once a day, you simply soak the garden a couple of times a week, forcing the water to go deeper into the soil, and your plants roots to grow deeper to reach it. Most weeds have a rather shallow root system, so if your plants have a deeper system, then it becomes much more difficult for weeds to take hold and start to grow.

If all this sounds too hard, look up a Weed Control specialist in your area.

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